- Attending the University of Cambridge without going stark raving mad.
- Acquiring and, miraculously, retaining a long term boyfriend. Significantly older, but remarkably appears to be ageing backwards, so by the time I hit thirty chances are he will only look about fourteen.
- Unfortunate side effect of older boyfriend: two small children. Initially a bit of a concern for a committed paedophobe such as myself, but over time have discovered that I can indeed interact with beings below the age of eighteen, and they actually seem to quite like me.
- Completing a TEFL course. This involved my spending a month in Rome whingeing endlessly to anyone who would listen about the poor structure, teaching, educational value etc. of the thing, then sulking because I didn't get a distinction.
- Invaluable life lesson learned from said month in Rome: contrary to popular belief, it is possible to live exclusively on white wine and nectarines.
- Erm... That's it.
Goals which require attention over the coming year:
- Disabuse self of notion that the sun is over the yardarm at roughly 10.30 in the morning.
- Disabuse self of notion that watching entire series of Come Dine With Me is an appropriate use of my time.
- Disabuse self of notion that pretty much everybody is a total wanker, and put on this earth both to rile and unnerve me in equal measures.
- Embrace fact that while explaining to people that I am currently "taking some time to decide what I want to do" is acceptable for perhaps six weeks after graduating, after several months sitting around on my arse doing nothing this begins to wear a bit thin.
- Actually return to Italy, learn Italian. Could have done this while you were sitting around on your arse, you say? Erm... Yes.
- Despite being possibly the world's worst teacher (though I do apparently have a rare talent for baffling small groups of middle aged Italians for up to an hour and a half at a time), make use of aforementioned TEFL qualification, get job.
- Despite being possibly the world's worst Classicist (it is a point of personal pride that I survived four years of higher education without ever actually being able to read Latin or Greek properly), make use of aforementioned degree, get job.
- Have a crack at writing.
Requires a bit of explanation, this last one. Have always wanted to, you see, but to be perfectly honest have always been a little bit scared. Fully intended to throw myself into the heady world of student journalism but lost my bottle, so doggedly clung to the theory that they were all just a bunch of tossers anyway and went to the pub instead. Amazingly, my ingenious tactic of doing sod-all failed to pay off in the long run. So, here we are. Not so much a New Year's Resolution as a much needed kick up the arse. As well as narrating what may prove to be a crashingly misguided adventure in la citta eterna, I shall also have a go at boring all and sundry with my quite limited sphere of interests. I like books written almost exclusively by long-dead depressives (with living recluses and alcoholics as notable exceptions). I like terrible television (see CDWM) and worse music (for me, the 80's was the pinnacle of creative achievement in this field). And, on the rare occasion upon which I find myself on the wrong side of two bottles of Chardonnay, I tend to enjoy crass generalisations cleverly disguised as social observation. Let's see how it goes. And, should no-one actually read the thing, the mere hypothetical notion that total strangers might find my life unutterably tedious should work as quite a convincing incentive to sort myself out.
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